
NFC-Smart - cleverly connected

intelligent use cases with NFC

NFC-Smart refers to a series of our products that use NFC technology to make predefined applications as simple as possible. Thus, NFC can be experienced without any previous technical experience.

Safety and security for your dog

Dogtap - the digital dog tag

All data about dog and owner

With one scan

Security for your luggage

Bagtap - the digital address tag

Secured by extensive data

Always travel with up-to-date data

Contactless exchange of contact data

NFC-vCard – the digital business card

Extensive contact details

Always up-to-date

Spread love in a creative way

For digital love messages

For favourite people

Send your feelings

NFC-Smart - cleverly connected

NFC-Smart products from NFC21

Scan and use immediately

NFC-Smart shows the potential of NFC

Next generation advertising

NFC-URL - the intelligent advertising platform

Simple link management

Change target URL at any time

Experience feelings

NFC-Vibes - the digital picture wall

The right music for every mood

With one scan

Scan. Click. Follow.

Social-vCard - the social media sticker

Each profile is listed

With one scan